College: Is it Necessary?

For Gen Zers, attending college is something of a given. But as tuition costs continue to rise and the job market remains unpredictable, some question whether it's vital – or even worth it – to go down that rocky road. In this blog post, we'll look at how important (or unimportant) your college degree may be when it comes to getting ahead. We'll weigh the pros and cons, and address questions like: Would you be wiser simply investing your time in building up hard skills rather than spending four years studying for a diploma you might never use? How can you make the most of your college degree? How can you make the most of a career without a degree?

Intro: A Look at the Pros and Cons of Going to College

Going to college has pros and cons, depending on your perspective. One of the pros of going to college is its networking opportunities. As a student, you can meet new people, build relationships with professors and professionals in the community, and open yourself to potential work opportunities. Unfortunately, however, the cost of tuition can be a huge obstacle for some students. Not only do you have to think about the direct costs like tuition fees and housing expenses, but there are indirect costs, like textbooks and living expenses, which add up quickly. Whether or not these pros outweigh the cons is something every student must weigh when deciding whether they would like to attend college.

Advantages of a College Education

A college education is one of the best investments someone can make in themselves. Not only will having a degree open up career opportunities and higher salaries, but it also allows people to engage in topics that they find exciting and equip them with the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing landscape. Even if you choose not to pursue a four-year college, plenty of other education options can be used to break into different fields. College is an opportunity to develop yourself and your skills, so take advantage of it!

Disadvantages of a College Education

Going to college can sound exciting, but with skyrocketing tuition rates and ever-increasing competition for job placements after graduation, it's clear that a college education has its downsides. With the costs of four-year degrees just continuing to grow, not attending college at all could be a better option than taking on mountains of debt for a degree that may only do so much in terms of providing real-world success. Additionally, the competitive academic atmosphere of colleges can be incredibly stressful and cause anxiety. Peer pressure can even drive some students away from their core passions as they strive to one-up each other to achieve top marks. The college provides an opportunity to explore new subjects and ideas but also puts these high expectations on people - they are only suited for some.

How to Make the Most Without a Degree

Although going to college is considered the traditional path to a successful career, there are other options. With resources like coding boot camps and online courses, you don't need a conventional degree to help get your career kicked off. Plus, there are many resources like networking groups and YouTube tutorials to help you learn more about the field you're interested in. Getting creative about your career plan can open doors like a degree. In the current job market, companies increasingly want experience and skills — those are areas where taking the initiative could pay off in the long run. So if college isn't in the cards right now, check out other options to be ready to pursue whatever dream job comes next.

How to Make the Most With a Degree

Making the most of your degree starts with understanding how to use best what you've learned. You also need to understand the 'why' behind your degree. STEM degrees are great; however, when the more advanced degrees you obtain, the fewer job opportunities you may have. Conversely, the job opportunities will be better paying even though fewer jobs are available. The world has changed dramatically since the bachelor's, and master's degrees of yesteryear were created, so it's time for job seekers to update their knowledge and consider what skills are in demand. Your degree may open the door to a new career path, proving that you have the expertise and dedication to pursue success. With this in mind, you can just focus on developing your communication and problem-solving skills, as they will be invaluable no matter where life takes you. Finally, understanding how to make the most of a degree proves that there are countless opportunities after graduation.


When deciding whether college is the right choice, weighing the pros and cons is essential. It can be challenging because there are limited resources for free education, and often a degree is only sometimes necessary. But if you pursue higher education, research different schools and identify what courses could help your career. A college degree doesn't guarantee success, so use the degree to further advance yourself in knowledge and skills. Success comes from finding ways to grow professionally and applying that knowledge wherever possible. We should remember that by accessing higher education opportunities, we obtain valuable skill sets that provide us with numerous future options. Although college may present challenges along the way, it's ultimately up to us how we choose to overcome them and set ourselves up for success!


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